Adult Pottery Classes

Pottery Wheel Classes

Students are taught the fundamentals of wedging, centering, shaping, trimming and glazing and will receive individualized instructions according to their interests and experience.

Cost: $495 for 8 Weeks

Registration opens:
to current students on April 9 at 5pm
to the general public on April 16 at 5pm

Handbuilding Classes


Students will learn the basic techniques of handbuilding (coiling slab building, and pinching) and then go on to create projects of their own with skilled guidance from our instructors!

Cost: $495 for 8 Weeks

Registration opens:
to current students on April 9 at 5pm
to the general public on April 16 at 5pm

Try Classes

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Want to try the pottery wheel or handbuilding without a longer commitment? Our Try Classes are perfect for exploring a potential new hobby or just a fun date night!

Try Wheel: $85/per person
Try Handbuilding: $70/per person

Family Try Wheel Class

Enjoy an Adult and Child clay day date in our studio. Spend a Saturday morning with your child playing with clay on the potter’s wheel. A playful time to try something new with a little mud.

Saturday 9:30 am – 11:30 am

Costs:   $85/Adult | $65 /Child